Serramonte Ford Here to answer questions

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My apologies, I thought you had responded to his last question with a prior answer that I couldn’t figure out :”Ford does not want us to give out that number, it is a lot though”
Ford doesn't want us to disclose our total reservation count
Sorry if I missed the answer, but does the XLT trim come with an old school bladed ignition key or a FOB?
I meant value, but of course, that's subjective to what you value in a truck. I haven't been able locate interior dimensions, but I suspect the Lightning will offer a lot more interior volume, which may or may not matter to you. To be fair, I also haven't dug through the Rivian's packaging and options much, as they're haven't been a direct competitor before the last two months or so, and even then, they're marketing to a different clientele than the traditional truck buyer (and Lightning is attracting that same clientele).

As for towing, I think 1000# is marginal at the max ratings we're in, very few people will even get close to that number with either truck. I'd be looking at an F250 if I needed to tow something that heavy on any kind of regular basis. Ford has far more experience in the truck building arena than Rivian. I trust Ford's towing and hauling experience over Rivian.

I haven't seen any of Rivian's engineering, but understand their founder is a mechanical engineer by trade and has experience with OEMs, so I'm sure its sound. I know the F-150 product in and out having sold them for more than a decade, and that is a bias I would need a lot more time to overcome.

I love the way the R1T looks, but have questions about their service network and quality. As with most startup manufacturers, Rivian has a long uphill battle ahead of them, and they're wise to take the Tesla route and start with a luxury oriented product as opposed to trying to lure in the average Joe.

The Rivian R1T is a serious contender in the BEV pickup wars. The AWD Quad Motor pickup comes standard with one party trick no other pickup on the market currently offers: a phenomenal McLaren inspired adjustable air suspension. It can be raised when off-roading and then lowered back down when heading home. The 3 seconds 0-60 MPH time and rated 835 HP/908 lb-ft of torque is nothing to sneeze at. It has that rare combination of super car performance with the ability to go off-road. The short 4.5 ft bed is the only reservation I have about the vehicle.
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day 3 reservation made at Capitol Ford San Jose Ca switched to Serramonte Ford 12/21. Just received an email that all ‘22 invites have been sent out and MAYBE I’ll get in invite this summer. FWIW to anyone still following


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Sean did you get the mannequin yet? Can we come test drive it? I got nothing from ford about any lightning events or viewing in the year since I made my reservation.
Any updates about Serramonte Ford getting a Lightning? Been seeing more Lightnings around the Bay Area on delivery trucks. Even Frontier supposedly has one “for sale”.
YouTubers are making tons of stupid vids about towing and comparing their Pro Vs Lariat trucks. Deliveries are happening obviously. Any help would be appreciated
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Any updates about Serramonte Ford getting a Lightning? Been seeing more Lightnings around the Bay Area on delivery trucks. Even Frontier supposedly has one “for sale”.
YouTubers are making tons of stupid vids about towing and comparing their Pro Vs Lariat trucks. Deliveries are happening obviously. Any help would be appreciated
Our Demo is here, available M-Thurs by appointment only.

To date, we've had two delivered plus our demo.
Hi Sean,

I've been trying to keep negatives out of my narrative. The lightning PRO is a very good tool for my needs as a Service/Construction guy. It easily meets my driving needs, and so far does so very well. I don't want to give the wrong impression.
When I got the truck, it had been driven by somebody. I had a hell of a time getting it released from the dealership our Fleet company chose to work through.
The tires had been hammered, dirty foot prints on the passenger dash, where the seat was reclined. There was an iPhone set up in the system, weird settings all over the truck, a couple Radio Stations tuned in the local area, and A seriously low range prediction. How's 191 grab ya? It's just now coming up to normal range predictions that meet, and slightly exceed the ratings. I'm a drag racer, and have a pretty good handle on "Abused" radials. They'd been fried, but good. I'm getting a vibration back through the drive train. Hope that's just the tires.... The truck came with a paper bound owners manual, but no cover/case for it. I've been too pissed about the torn up tires and filthy condition to take the truck in for other issues, and certainly won't take it to those jack'a'lopes. (One of the black plastic devices on the top rear of the cab is loose, and is going to leak when it gets wet... I believe it's an antenna.)
Maybe somebody in the supply chain is just that much of an ass-hat to abuse a customer's new vehicle. Does the Lightning Pro really not come with a case for the owners manual? It appears it doesn't come with a complete owners manual, as nothing I've found explains control of the outlets. I thought it was interesting my "Courtesy Delivery" person pointed the lack of a cover for the manual, unsolicited.

This was Serramonte Ford that delivered this unit? Wow that’s horrible.
No, it was not Serramonte Ford. It was different dealer, in a different state.

Let's get that clear right now.

My dealer is starting to waffle on the commitment they gave me a year ago about no ADM. I would totally switch to you but we live in Washington and you're in South Bay SF. Not the easiest place to get in and out of! :)