Price increase for 2023 Lightnings

I knew it was coming…

F-150 Lightning: new MSRP
Pro: $46,974
XLT: $59,474
XLT High: $68,474
XLT High / Extended Range: $80,974
Lariat: $74,474
Lariat Extended Range: $85,974
Platinum Extended Range: $96,874
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I am waiting too but the Reservation terms always said they do not guarantee pricing. I also was hoping for a Lariat but my 2023 versions jumped by $10,000 and even the 2022 pricing was more than I ever imagined I would pay for a vehicle so I’m likely converting back to ICE F-150…disappointing but need to live in

The CNBC article said they have only sold 4400 thru May…then you have the few they doled out to dealers as test drive machines, that does not seem like 15,000 2022’s - do they have 9,000 orders taken and waiting on delivery now?

Only 4,400 hundred deliveries explains why I have only seen ONE Lightning on the road in car crazy So California. They are as rare as a hens tooth around here.

I see numerous Rivian R1T's on the road however. I found the R1T rather bland in photos but it look very attractive in the flesh.
Only 4,400 hundred deliveries explains why I have only seen ONE Lightning on the road in car crazy So California. They are as rare as a hens tooth around here.

I see numerous Rivian R1T's on the road however. I found the R1T rather bland in photos but it look very attractive in the flesh.
I have not seen any Lightnings on the road in California. I see a Rivian every day.

It seems that the Lightnings were mostly sent to car reviewers as it seems that everyone one of them has received a Lightning.
I'm wondering where they are in the whole reservation queue. Maybe I can swing a $8000 increase but are they even going to get through all the reservations by 2023? What about 2024? Do I get a redesign 2025 if they still haven't cleared the queue and do I have to pay 2 or 3 more $8000 increases? Suddenly starts at $40,000 is starts at $64,000 for a bare bones Pro and $130,000 for a Lariat.
I still don't get what they mean there. I have a reservation but was never offered "extend my reservation". Also my reservation was changed to an XLT when I wanted a Pro.
This is good news for the lot of individuals who were invited to order, but opted to extend their reservation.

So, of the 200k reservations holders, one fell into one of the categories:

1. Ordered a 2022 Lightning - paid, or will pay the 2022 prices
2. Invited to convert the reservation to an order of a 2022 Lightning, but deferred to order a 2023 - will pay 2023 prices, but will receive the "Private Offer", essentially paying 2022 prices
3. Were not invited to convert the reservation to an order - will pay 2023 prices (or 2024, 2025, etc)

Categories 1 and 2 represent maybe 20-30% of the 200k and Category 3, the remaining 140k-160k of Reservation Holders (70-80%). Numbers could be off a bit because I don't know how many builds were actually planned for 2022.

Interesting that if the remaining 140k-160k reservation holders convert to 2023 orders, that brings in about an additional $1B in revenue (not profit) to Ford at the $7000 per Lightning process increase.
Categories 1 and 2 represent maybe 20-30% of the 200k and Category 3, the remaining 140k-160k of Reservation Holders (70-80%). Numbers could be off a bit because I don't know how many builds were actually planned for 2022.

I reserved in the first 48 hours and should be in the first 40k, yet I am in category 3. I think Ford dealers prioritized based on who they know rather on when the reservation is made. That defeats the whole point of having a reservation system if they are not prioritizing people who reserve first.

Hopefully GM will handle the reservations better. I reserved in the first minute Silverado EV reservations were available. I should be in wave 1 for the Silverado EV.
This is good news for the lot of individuals who were invited to order, but opted to extend their reservation.

So, of the 200k reservations holders, one fell into one of the categories:

1. Ordered a 2022 Lightning - paid, or will pay the 2022 prices
2. Invited to convert the reservation to an order of a 2022 Lightning, but deferred to order a 2023 - will pay 2023 prices, but will receive the "Private Offer", essentially paying 2022 prices
3. Were not invited to convert the reservation to an order - will pay 2023 prices (or 2024, 2025, etc)

Categories 1 and 2 represent maybe 20-30% of the 200k and Category 3, the remaining 140k-160k of Reservation Holders (70-80%). Numbers could be off a bit because I don't know how many builds were actually planned for 2022.

Interesting that if the remaining 140k-160k reservation holders convert to 2023 orders, that brings in about an additional $1B in revenue (not profit) to Ford at the $7000 per Lightning process increase.
The piece says:

"this new program has been launched to protect 2022 reservation and order holders against 2023 price increases when they convert their orders"

So maybe your #3 above is not correct... will just have to wait and see.


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I would be happy to be wrong on Category 3 because that's where I am. But, everything I've read seems to make it clear that the Private Offer is only for those who were invited to place an order, but the desired trim was not available so the customer elected to "Extend My Reservation."

But... maybe... fingers crossed... with enough public outcry and the restrictions of the new bill that is waiting House passage, Ford will determine that it is important to address the dissatisfaction (or outright anger) of a good chunk of potential customers, many of which are now saying that the $15,000 increase in cost to the customer (loss of EV credit plus $7K price hike) is too much.
Wave 3 is NEW ORDER Invitations only - new pricing.

Those in Wave 1 and 2, PRO and XLT holdovers, made the decision to WAIT, to get the model they wanted, but ALSO at a RISK that pricing or features would be different. They made that decision on their own, but DO have the please of a possible 'private offer', which is probably a discount to the 2023 pricing - but, unless one of those customers actually tells us, we'll never know.

Wave 3 invites are placing an order at 2023 prices, just as you would expect if you walked on a dealer's lot and saw a 2022 sitting right next to a brand New 2023 - the 'newer' vehicle is not going to be the same price. Matter of fact, you'd ask for a big DISCOUNT for the 'old' one. I'm the type that would make that offer, but others would say that they would 'never' buy a '22 model when a brand 'new' 23 is sitting right next to it.
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"Current order holders awaiting delivery are not impacted by these price adjustments," said Marin Gjaja. So is a 'reservation holder' the same as an 'order holder'? I suspect not, I will hold my reservation until I can try to convert to an order and I guess then we will know.
I put my $100 deposit down on May 21, 2021. I still haven’t been given the ok to order mine. I’m gonna be pretty angry if they don’t honor the 2022 pricing and the grant rebate.
I put my $100 deposit down on May 21, 2021. I still haven’t been given the ok to order mine. I’m gonna be pretty angry if they don’t honor the 2022 pricing and the grant rebate.
I am angry to but I don't think anyone cares Ford can sale every truck they can make. So you need to see if a hybrid will work at lower cost and get it faster
The piece says:

"this new program has been launched to protect 2022 reservation and order holders against 2023 price increases when they convert their orders"

So maybe your #3 above is not correct... will just have to wait and see.
If they are going to give all reservation holder a private offering then what is the purpose of raising the price.
Ford didn't raise their prices on a whim. Beyond the increased cost of goods manufactured from inflation that must be considered, experienced by every business in every industry, due to [insert your own reason here], Ford knows its production capacity. It can estimate the demand at any price point, as well. Matching the production capacity to the demand, by adjusting price is likely what Ford is doing. Will Ford lose Lightning customers (or even Ford customers)? Sure, but they are betting that demand will still at least equal production capacity. And, they are likely betting that there will be spillover from the Lightning interest to their next (smaller) EV truck. So, no, I don't think Ford will give private offers to all reservation holders.

Ford also has its own intelligence and likely knew of the MSRP caps in the new Inflation Act even before its decision to increase prices. In fact, the knowledge of the MSRP caps may have played a role in determining the price increase. It may have been a tradeoff between the industry and the politicians - eliminate the 200,000 volume ceiling (an industry want) but introduce MSRP and income caps (a politician want). The contents of the Inflation Act didn't surprise industry.

Buying an EV should not be an economic decision because the math just doesn't work. It may, some day, but not today.
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Ford didn't raise their prices on a whim. Beyond the increased cost of goods manufactured from inflation that must be considered, experienced by every business in every industry, due to [insert your own reason here], Ford knows its production capacity. It can estimate the demand at any price point, as well. Matching the production capacity to the demand, by adjusting price is likely what Ford is doing. Will Ford lose Lightning customers (or even Ford customers)? Sure, but they are betting that demand will still at least equal production capacity. And, they are likely betting that there will be spillover from the Lightning interest to their next (smaller) EV truck. So, no, I don't think Ford will give private offers to all reservation holders.

Ford also has its own intelligence and likely knew of the MSRP caps in the new Inflation Act even before its decision to increase prices. In fact, the knowledge of the MSRP caps may have played a role in determining the price increase. It may have been a tradeoff between the industry and the politicians - eliminate the 200,000 volume ceiling (an industry want) but introduce MSRP and income caps (a politician want). The contents of the Inflation Act didn't surprise industry.

Buying an EV should not be an economic decision because the math just doesn't work. It may be, some day, but not today.
"Buying an EV should not be an economic decision because the math just doesn't work." no truer words ever spoken!
We will soon find out if this is true.
The price protection is only if you previously had an invitation but deferred an order because Pro/XLT versions were not available. The rest of us reservation holders that never got an invitation to order are just SOL with respect to the '23 price increases.
yes, only folks who have ALREADY ORDERED, and those chosen few who were given the option to DEFER their '22 Order will have the 2022 pricing. Everyone else, just like when new car model years come out, will have higher pricing.
It may seem 'unfair' to those who never got to order during the 2022 model year, but there are just only so many trucks that Ford can build, in a new platform, in a new facility, for a NEW type of powertrain. I think anyone just now coming into the picture, and seeing 2023 prices, will simply find which is affordable or desirable for them, and will not give the '22 pricing any though, even if they actually knew what those prices were.
yes, only folks who have ALREADY ORDERED, and those chosen few who were given the option to DEFER their '22 Order will have the 2022 pricing. Everyone else, just like when new car model years come out, will have higher pricing.
It may seem 'unfair' to those who never got to order during the 2022 model year, but there are just only so many trucks that Ford can build, in a new platform, in a new facility, for a NEW type of powertrain. I think anyone just now coming into the picture, and seeing 2023 prices, will simply find which is affordable or desirable for them, and will not give the '22 pricing any though, even if they actually knew what those prices were.
You are probably correct; but this article says "launched to protect 2022 reservation and order holders against 2023 price increases" I've emphasized 'reservation'. I'm hopeful that it will apply, maybe to early reservation holders.
the article or title is just misleading, as many folks confuse 'order' with 'reservation', and they don't even understand what they are even writing or commenting about. there is nothing that was 'launched'. there are no 'new' reservations. there are no 'new' orders. Ford only allowed PRIOR order holders, who deferred to order a 2023 model since their '22 choice was already sold out, to place an order, period.
Now, when the 'wave 3'(BRAND NEW CUSTOMERS), as some refer to it, comes up in early/mid September, that will be for those who had placed a Reservation back in 2021, and will NOW get a chance to order a 2023 model, with NEW pricing, and any changes to those models, such as new colors. It's already known that the PRO Model is sold out, again, for 2023. If like before, the XLT will be sold out quickly, too... so it's possible that ONLY the Lariat and Platinum models will be anything that a NEW customer can place a 2023 order for, unless they want to DEFER to 2024.
Regardless, They will NOT receive '22 pricing, period. It's a NEW year model, with NEW pricing. ( and new Tax Credit laws, unfortunately)