Ford Charger Pricing is available!


Ford has finally posted charger pricing on their website. The Ford Charge Station Pro with 80 amps on demand will retail for $1,310.00, and the Ford Connected Charge Station with 48 amps on demand lists for $799,
does the charge station pro give the ability to reverse power and power your house or is something else required for that ability?
The charge station pro is just part of the equipment needed to power a house. This video explains it all and question 9 answers your question.
The big question for those of us who already have solar is how well will the Charge Station Pro play with our inverters?
I'd really like to be able to pre-pay for the 80 amp charger, and get it installed at the house before the truck arrives. I'd also like that to be able to be taken off of the MSRP cost, just on the off chance that BBB passes and some kind of pricing cap gets put in place.
I'd really like to be able to pre-pay for the 80 amp charger, and get it installed at the house before the truck arrives. I'd also like that to be able to be taken off of the MSRP cost, just on the off chance that BBB passes and some kind of pricing cap gets put in place.
If you ordered the ER battery you have already pre-payed for the charger, also Ford will send you the Pro charge around 2 weeks before your truck is scheduled to arrive. So they say. ;)
Not sure if it will be the same with these, but when we got our Mach-E we got the charger way before hand. Though we did pay separately for it, we had a month to get it and have it installed before the car arrived. The down side is that you have to look at it a month before the vehicle arrives.